Migrant Cultures in Europe

Workshop Objectives

This 5 day workshop will help all the participants gain a greater understanding of issues that affect non-EU migrants and people with disadvantaged backgrounds when integrating within European cities. In response to the various critical events affecting European countries; the focus on this workshop will not only be based on being able to communicate effectively with people of different backgrounds but gaining ‘hands-on’ practical skills of working to better the lives of integrated non-EU migrants, refugees and asylum seekers.

Throughout the workshop, teaching and learning, panel discussions, activities, networking and sharing of ideas in relation to intercultural interactions will take place.


DAY 1 (morning) : Registration + Understanding the Migration Issues of Southern EU Countries  

Introduction to the Day and the Weekly Programme: registration, introduction of participants and networking, ‘Welcome to Italy’ and introductory workshop on current migration issues South EU states face. This course introduces not only some of the key issues migrants from non-EU countries face upon arrival to the EU but also some of the solutions that practitioners and institutions should have in place when they arrive using Southern Italy as a case example.

DAY 1 (afternoon): History of Immigration in Southern Europe and Perceptions

This will be a short day session introducing a brief history on migrant immigration in Southern Europe: When did it start? How are migrants often perceived? Is there a difference between how EU and Non-EU Migrants are treated? How is the scope of immigration changing? We aim to compare recent migration data in Italy with other EU countries such us Spain, Turkey and Greece and Britain. How will the migrants and refugees arriving in Southern Europe change the rest of Europe? Is it a “Mediterranean Problem” or “European Problem” or more?

DAY 2: Migrant Pathway Options (1) + Afternoon visit to a local small village

Following on from the previous day’s morning presentation; the morning session’s questions ponder on:  Has Italy always been a traditionally tolerant or conservative country towards migrants? How are the inhabitants reacting to the changing demographic of EU and Non-EU migration?

In the afternoon a visit to a local  small village that thanks to the arrival and integration of refugees have been repopulated after the local inhabitants have emigrated to the North of Italy or abroad. Thanks to the arrival of refugees the local schools have remained open and lots of houses have been renovated and refurbished.

DAY 3 (morning): Migrant Pathway Options (2)

Presentation about what has been done in order to give the refugees the necessary social, cultural and professional skills to better integrate in Europe.

DAY 3 (afternoon): How are different cultures and religions accommodated in Europe?

As reaching out to young people and adults with fewer opportunities such as refugees and asylum seekers is one of the main objectives for many EU based NGOs and migrant organisations; this day presentation aims to highlight some of the best social inclusion and prevention of violent radicalisation methods that have helped and are helping integrate minorities in Southern Europe and Italy. What is happening with some of these minorities now in Italy and across Europe.

Burning Issue Question: To what extent should a tolerant society tolerate intolerance?

DAY 4: The importance of promoting European values and tackle social exclusion

Presentation on the importance of promoting common European values, intercultural dialogue and tackle social exclusion.

Facing the reality: Introduction on how and why Southern Europe is seen as a gateway to Europe by illustrating and narrating what happens when many Middle Eastern and African migrants arrive on the shores of Southern Italy.

Burning issue: what EU countries could do in order to help migrants in their respective countries? What has been done so far?

DAY 5: Workshop at a local migrant centre in Calabria

The day workshop and inclusive education training at a local migrant centre involves exchange of  good practices  with staff and migrants at a local centre. Participants can expect to practically learn more about developing social, civic and intercultural competences whilst working with migrants in Calabria.

There will also be an evaluation and feedback session on this day.