Focus on Multimedia
December 10, 2018
Arise Analysing Refugee Inclusion in Southern Europe
November 18, 2019

‘Learning Tree’ is a KA2 Strategic Partnership project which was born in order to exchange good practices in the field of adult education, especially as related to elderly people and the use of new ICT technologies. Partners came up with the idea of developing resources and learning opportunities for the target group, senior citizens of Europe.

The main objectives of the Project are:

  • to help to create a better United Europe
  • to connect the elderly to life after retirement
  • to find out new useful techniques adoptable to adult education
  • to find out the similarities and differences among EU countries and form a more common life style.
    The target groups of the Project are ICT teachers and seniors over 50. Teachers working in the field of adult education are generally
    having the problem of lack of materials and methods. The participants are trainers dealing with the people with lack of
    social and basic skills such as ICT usage, getting to grips with the use of technological devices, suffering from lack interaction, and so on.
  • During the project, the project partners will elaborate 16 scenarios of ICT lessons dedicated to development of basic skills of young
    old (50+) and elderly people (65+). Next, the scenarios will be tested in regular workshops during a pilot course. Finally, the results will be
    analized and disseminated. The innovative approach is the use of genealogy. Partner organisations will have their own target groups
    of seniors learners (young old or elderly) and implement the techniques decided on meetings to see if the expected results vary on
    learners from different cultural backgrounds.

    The methods presented by the experts will be evaluated and checked in partner countries. The results will be released to the usage
    of national and international beneficiaries via dissemination activities.
    Before starting the activities, trainers will get some preparation of culture of hosting country and language learning if needed.
    Especially at workshops there will be ‘formal and non-formal learning’ teaching processes from ordinary adult learning methods to
    specific teachings of seniors. Trial and error will also be used and a common conclusion will come out at the meetings in case it may
    be regarded useful for the European Commission.
    The main expected results:
  • New methodologies/techniques (including in the ICT area): 16 scenarios of experimental lessons
  • A project website (1)
  • 4 newsletters (each one after the TMP)
  • information leaflets in English and consortium partner languages (total: 5 languages version)
  • posters in national languages and English (total: 5 languages version)
  • project logo (1)
  • evaluation reports.

Download the handbook in Italian by clicking on the image below.

And here the English Version